GREEN PASTURES COLLEGE is a place where we believe passionately in Loving Jesus, Inspiring the Church, Forming Communities and Equipping for Life. Each and every one of us holds an opportunity to shape, create, and share His marvellous deeds that resonate from GENERATION TO GENERATION Psalm 145:4.
Our deepest desire, is to witness you journey into the fullness of God's purpose for your life. We firmly believe that your purpose can be lived out when you embrace the posture of servanthood. Our aim is to help you release your gifts within the body through a transformative, servanthood relationship with Jesus.
We believe that when Jesus left the Earth He gave us a HEAVEN SENT assignment to GO and MAKE DISCIPLES of all the nations, teaching them to obey all that He taught us! Matthew 28:19-20. In our school of ministry you will undertake training in Pastoral Care, The Work of the Ministry, Servant Leadership, Encountering the Supernatural, Spiritual Disciplines, along with modules that equip you as you engage with and study the bible.
Student life will put your learning into practice as you serve in your chosen ministry department. You will receive leadership development and pastoral oversight whilst serving ON TEAM and gain a unique insight into everyday ministry within our visionary leadership community!
Our CORE gathered environments will be an open space where you will be stretched in your faith and grow together in our knowledge of God. On these days there will be opportunity to journey through the lessons, partake in group work along with training, were you will gain hands-on training, and experience minsitry first hand. This creates a culture of "Practical Theology", where you will get opportunities to live out your learning.
Our HEART is to offer you practical ministry training. Whilst you will be assigned to one ministry area, you will be exposed to a broad range of ministry experiences. Your allocated day will depend on the department but it will also include Sunday Serving.
The atmosphere of GP COLLEGE is to see your life personally transformed. You will learn to lean on and operate in both the power and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Developing a lifestyle of intimacy with Jesus will see your character re-formed more and more into His likeness.
Our Curriculum is delivered through speakers locally at Green Pastures. All work will be graded with a pass or fail. For every teaching, a study guide will indicate the requirements for successful completion.
To Graduate from GP COLLEGE you will need to have completed all of the onsite teaching, met the attendance requirements, and fulfilled the ministry training hours! We are not an accredited course, however you will receive a certificate of completion which demonstrates understanding and competency to future ministry opportunities.

Viewed through a pentecostal lens, this module examines the pivotal moments and divine interventions in Church History. It delves into transformative events that have influenced the remarkable journey of the Christian Church since its birth.
This course examines the topic of discipleship in the contemporary church. The first half of this course will focus on the development of a proper understanding of discipleship from a biblical perspective. The second half will focus on equipping students with the skills and tools to utilise this understanding in becoming effective disciple makers.
This module is focused on guiding students in the journey of growing more in the image and likeness of Jesus and cultivating spiritual disciplines that facilitate that development. From the ancient wisdom of the desert fathers to contemporary practices within the church today, this module delves into the foundational principle of these disciplines. You will explore the disciplines such as Silence and Solitude, The Rhythms of Work, Rest & Sabbath, while learning to function with the transformational leading of the Holy Spirit.
The module serves as an introduction to the foundational principle that underlies the Christian Faith. Through an in depth examination of key doctrines, students will gain a deeper understanding of the beliefs that shape Christian belief, identity and practice. They will delve into core doctrines including the authority of Scripture, the nature of God, the Person and work of Christ. They will also reflect on the practical implications of Doctrine in everyday culture and ministry context.
This course helps build the skills necessary for the practise of evangelism within church. It is grounded in the understanding of the church’s nature and purpose, and involves practical witness of the message of the Gospel of Jesus. Effective evangelism requires students to be relevant and understanding of contemporary contexts.
In the module, students will come to recognise that effective Christian Leadership begins with being someone others are willing to follow. We explore the integration of Character development and competencies as essential elements for any leader. Through self-reflection and personality assessment, students will identify their own leadership styles and strengths, enabling them to address team dynamics and articulate a compelling vision. As servanthood is a core value within our church, this unit underscores the importance of servant leadership.
This module gives a broad overview of the New Testament. Students will be made aware of the development of the New Testament and its relationship to the Old Testament.
The aim of the module is to introduce the students to the structure, contents and context of the Old Testament. It seeks to show where The Lord Jesus can be found woven into the fabric of the Old Testament, while also providing relevant life applications such as leadership lessons and personal challenges.
This course is designed to give you a basic introduction to the Bible and guidelines for study. It will provide methods for sermon preparation and opportunity for practical presentation. You will gain a good understanding of biblical content and gain a deeper knowledge of keeping the Bible context. You'll not only grasp essential methods for studying the Bible but also develop an understanding of the art of preaching. Through practical exercises, you'll have the opportunity to prepare and deliver Bible messages, whether in an expository or topical style, showcasing your newfound skills and insights gained through diligent study and preparation.
Students will gain an understanding of practical theology. The call to care and experience pastoral situations within the life of church require engagement. They will be able to evaluate a situation, implement a course of action and reflect upon its effectiveness within their ministry elective.
This module examines the crossover between the supernatural and Christian faith. Taking an in depth look at the person and work of the Holy Spirit, His interaction in individual lives and church communities, the students will begin to understand how the supernatural works through God’s community of people - THE CHURCH. They will address theological, ethical and practical questions around the gifts of the Spirit and how they can function in a healthy church environment.
This module aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of prayer as a fundamental aspect of Christian life, while also introducing the concept of spiritual warfare and its relevance in living out our faith. Through a blend of theoretical knowledge, practical exercises, and reflective engagement, participants will explore the significance of prayer in the growing of their faith, deepen their understanding of its transformative power, and gain insight into the spiritual battles that believers face.
Lecturers and personal study - Wednesdays + Thursdays
Ministry Days will vary and are dependant on the department needs
Sunday Services (morning and evening) along with Fuse prayer meets on Wednesday evenings
College life will require you to be available to serve at all Green Pastures Church events and conferences during term time.
GP College requires a huge commitment from you and therefore a personal devotional life is so important to maintain a healthy relationship with God. Classes and ministry time do not replace your private time with the Lord.
Excellence is a key value for us as a church and at GP College we expect that to be mirrored in the attitude and personal discipline of our students.
You must be disciplined in your time keeping, attending classes on time and any other appointments with college staff. Assignments must be submitted by the stated deadline. Activities attended off-site as part of the course should be arrived at in good time. Any absences over 5 days will require a medical certificate. We encourage students to arrange dental, hospital, work, or other appointments outside the GP College schedule whenever possible. In cases where absence from a class or activity becomes absolutely necessary, prior agreement with your course oversight is required. Exceptions will be granted for family bereavement and other extraordinary circumstances. However, persistent lateness or consistent failure to attend may result in disciplinary measures.
Whether local or farther afield we believe in the call to put our faith into action. In serving the marginalized, comforting the afflicted, and spreading the message of hope and redemption, we get the chance to step into a world were love knows no end. We hunger after the opportunity to offer the "stranger a home" Matthew 25:35. We believe that every act of kindness, no matter how small, has the power to transform lives and bring about lasting change. Involvement in mission & community outreach is an essential part of school life
You will be required to pay a deposit on acceptance of your place in college. It is normally due within a month of you beginning college life or immediately if your application is after 1st September.
Once accepted you may seek regular support from your own fellowship. If this support is aimed at tuition costs, then we encourage payment directly to ‘GP COLLEGE’ accounts.
You will need to have all international visas and checks completed 2 weeks before orientation. Whilst we currently have no accommodation onsite we can help organise living arrangements within our church community. You will still need to plan ahead for rental costs, food contributions and other potential utility bills. We can advise you on expected costs if you need help with this.
At present we do not offer any scholarships.
Your financial commitment to completing the course is £1000. This excludes any rental, food or utily costs. Please ensure you have secured a part time job or financial backing before commencing studying with us.