Welcome to Green Pastures Church! We love that you are here! We hope that this place feels like home already and that you experience the presence of God here.

We are all about life and living it to its largest, deepest, furthest through Jesus Christ. Green Pastures Church is expectant for your life and so we have created church in a way that gives you a place to belong, a place to grow and a place to discover life with Jesus. It’s life for all people!

Founders and lead Pastors Jeff & Lorraine Wright

The beginnings of Green Pastures Church was birthed in a Christian project known as the Wash Basin in the village of Ahoghill where believers from many churches came together to reach their local community. Inside it’s walls the believers created an outreach centre where many met with Jesus through vibrant events, worship, word, fun, food and fellowship; while outside it’s walls, a village became a restored place to dwell in again as the believers began rebuilding ruins and rebuilding lives. The Wash Basin saw many souls saved and it was there in the Wash Basin that God’s call on Pastor Jeff’s life was revealed.

The adventure continued for Pastor Jeff and Lorraine and their kids as they joined Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle in Belfast where Pastor Jeff had the wonderful privilege and honour to be taken in, schooled and lead by the late Pastor James McConnell, the founder of Whitewell, along with his faithful band of men. Not only did their relationship grow very strong, but Pastor Jeff’s knowledge also grew as he learned from his mentor and fellow pastors. After seven years under Pastor McConnell’s leadership, Pastor Jeff believed it was now time to fulfil the calling for a church in his hometown of Ballymena. This church, this vision, this call was to be a reflection of the heart of God for lost souls. This was not a man taking hold of God’s vision, but rather God’s vision taking hold of a man. With this vision and Pastor McConnell’s blessing, Pastor Jeff was ordained and sent out to begin Green Pastures Church.

The first day arrived and eighty people showed up to the small Galgorm premises for church on Sunday on February 11 2007. As more people came in, more walls were brought down as extension after extension was built. However, as this building was completed after two years, Pastor Jeff believed this was not their resting place as he began to build dreams and plans from the word that was given from the Lord in Proverbs 24.27. While the home was not yet established, the fields were being prepared and in the waiting the church continued to grow and its impact was felt on the town.

Finally the Pastor heard the Lord speak and the moment had come to pick the place for Green Pastures to build their home. God’s vision for the place’s purpose and location came from Proverbs 8.1-6 and so it was clear that it wouldn’t just be any place, but rather a place that would reflect God’s magnificence. That it was as Green Pastures purchased 97 acres at the Gateway to Ballymena where the paths meet from North, East, South and West just as the verses had guided. And here in began Project Nehemiah where the eyes and heart of God were to be focused.

God’s plan has always been to bring hope, restoration and life, and so our plan and desire as a church is to create a place where all people can stream together and find the place where hope rushes in, restoration takes over and life in its fullest can begin. All we have ever wanted is to become the church God had in mind - a church that makes a difference for His name’s sake, restores the streets to dwell in, loves, clothes, feeds, empowers, and serves the people in it. We seek to bring God back to the community centre because that is where He longs to be. We strive for church and neighbourhood revolution as we look to Him daily. Green Pastures is a busy place. Jesus always wanted to be at the centre of the community, and that vision hasn’t changed. He is a dwell among us God. Project Nehemiah brings fellowship with God, prosperity, restoration, and His values to the community. Our current premises is where the gateway to the city of Ballymena began. In the same way, the heart of Green Pastures is to be a modern-day gateway to the city’s people to God. Through prayer and the support of God’s people and our community, we believe Project Nehemiah will bring about this spiritual awakening and resulting transformation of the town and area. Certainly, if God wants, He will accomplish that.

Much work is still to be done but Pastor Jeff’s vision for a barn and a place of refuge for an end time harvest remains steadfast. The best is yet to come!




  • We aim to reflect His heart, live His Word and display His character supernaturally.

  • We will prayerfully and passionately pursue knowing Him intimately, in all His fullness, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • We will live forgiven, we will forgive and we will believe the best of one another.

  • We will joyfully choose compassion over our own convenience so we can reach people no one else can reach.

  • We will be intentionally generous. It is more blessed to give than to receive.

  • We will challenge ourselves to speak life, inspire hope and call out destiny in others.

  • We will honour those we serve, we will honour those we serve beside and we WILL honour those who lead us.

  • We will dream big and relentlessly bring our best to every detail of everything that we do.

  • A place to belong, a place to be loved, a place to be real and confidently overcome.

  • As a church that lives God loud, worships unashamedly, is full of life, creative, relevant and incredibly fun!

  • We are a people where anyone can find hope, freedom and be transformed through a new beginning in Christ.

  • We will equip, empower and release ordinary people to reach their world and make Jesus famous.